On December 6, 2023, Google unveiled its newest AI advancement - Gemini. This powerful technology was also integrated into Bard on the same day.

Gemini is multimodal, meaning it can understand and process different formats of information, such as text, code, and images.

Very efficient and can run on a variety of devices, from smartphones to laptops

Google is making Gemini available through its products and platforms, such as Bard and Pixel.

Google claims Gemini has surpassed benchmarks in Massive Multitask Language Understanding (MMLU), even exceeding human experts in some areas.

Human Expert(MMLU)

Gemini possesses advanced reasoning capabilities, allowing it to tackle complex topics and generate more insightful responses.

Gemini has impressive coding skills, enabling it to generate different creative text formats, like poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, and more.