What is Google Video Poet?

Google Video Poet is a large language model (LLM) capable of processing and generating various types of content, including text, images, video, and audio.

What Video Poet can do?

Generate videos from text descriptions

Provide Video Poet with a text prompt, and it will create a video that matches the tone, theme, and details of your description.

Edit and stylize existing videos:

You can feed Video Poet an existing video clip and have it modify it according to your instructions, such as adding narration, changing the visual style, or manipulating the timing and pace.

Generate audio

VideoPoet can also create musical scores or sound effects to accompany your videos.

What's unique about it?

Advanced video generation: – Long(er) video generation – Strong object identity preservation – Wider range of motions – Interactive editing

When will it be available?

Currently, access is limited to researchers at Google AI. However, the researchers have expressed interest in future public release and are actively working on improving the tool's capabilities and accessibility.