Is there a way to save or write data from Power BI into a database or source system?

Currently, Power BI doesn’t offer direct features to add, update, or delete data back to the source system or database. However, the good news is that achieving this is possible by using a PowerApp within the Power BI environment.

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Here’s how to proceed:

Create a Canvas PowerApp application in the PowerApp environment, tailored initially for either mobile or tablet layouts according to user requirements. Determine the layout preferences and functionalities such as adding, editing, or deleting records.

How to create your first PowerApp application in just a few clicks? Please watch our video. Click Here

You can also check out the Microsoft PowerApps book on Amazon India and USA & other countries on Amazon

Once the PowerApp application is developed within the PowerApp environment, it needs to be published and then integrated into the Power BI report page using the PowerApp visual.

How to integrate a PowerApp application into Power BI? Please watch our video. Click Here

What challenges might arise, and how can we address them?

When a Power BI report operates in Import mode and users add, modify or delete records, these changes won’t immediately reflect on the Power BI report. The newly added or modified records will only show after a scheduled refresh is executed.

To solve this issue, Power Automate becomes relevant. Configuring Power Automate allows for the pushing of newly added or updated records to the Power BI report. However, it’s important to note that there might be a delay of 5 to 15 seconds for the records to update in the Power BI report.

You can also check out the Microsoft Power Automate book on Amazon India and USA & other countries on Amazon.

I previously conducted a Proof of Concept (POC) for a client using this solution, and it worked well. You can also try this solution if your requirement is similar to this.

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