Fake Bitcoin Scheme Mimics The Indian Express, Alleging Mukesh Ambani’s Investment in a New Project

There’s a scam circulating online, and it’s important to be aware of it. This scheme uses the name of a prominent Indian businessman and a respected news outlet to lure unsuspecting individuals into investing in a fake Bitcoin project BTC Ai Evex.

Here’s the breakdown of the hoax:

  • The Claim: The scam claims that Mukesh Ambani, chairman of Reliance Industries, is backing a new Bitcoin investment project BTC Ai Evex. It often uses fabricated articles that mimic the style of The Indian Express, a reputable news source in India. These articles might even feature fabricated quotes from Mr. Ambani himself.
  • The Reality: This claim is entirely false! Both Reliance Industries and The Indian Express have publicly denied any involvement in such a project.

What to do:

  • Do not invest: Never invest based on information from unverified sources, especially those making exaggerated promises or using pressure tactics.
  • Verify information: Always double-check claims with reliable sources like the actual news outlet (The Indian Express in this case) or official statements from companies involved.
  • Report the scam: If you encounter this scam, report it to The Indian Express and relevant authorities.

Important to remember:

  • Do your own research: Always verify information before making any investment decisions. Consult reliable sources and avoid relying on hearsay or claims from unverified platforms.
  • Beware of scams: Cryptocurrency and AI trading platforms can be breeding grounds for scams. Approach any platform with caution and prioritize independent research before investing.
  • Protect your finances: Only invest what you can afford to lose and never trust unrealistic promises of high returns with minimal effort.

By sharing this information and staying informed, we can collectively fight against these deceptive schemes and protect ourselves from falling prey to them.

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